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Le Prince des Cieux

Livre d'or / Guestbook

24 october 2016

. Greg Schnell Manitoba - Manitoba, Canada


"I love your film. It's groundbreaking in so many ways."


5 novembre 2016

Matt N Freck - Angleterre, Royaume-Uni


"Well I watched it tonight and I'm well kinda speechless I didn't expect that in the slightest "Le Prince Des Cieux" is definitely a journey you won't forget any time soon the visuals are stunning throughout, although in places, I was confused with the total lack of dialogue it kept me drawn in, very impressive for a debut piece, very dark, very deep and very thought provoking, going in blind to a film is never easy that was a worthy risk to take. Thank you for the opportunity."

9 novembre 2016

Bethany Venice Wiseblood - Angleterre, Royaume-Uni


"I watched last night when I got home from work. I thought that it was amazing, beautifully shot + the way the music combined everyday sounds / phases to make the music was fabulous ! I found the imagery in the film very haunting, it was very different from anything I have seen in a long time, it was superb."

17 novembre 2016

Sandra Martin - Bavière, Allemagne


"Film is very crazy and strange… and music is so sick ... this is experimental… I love it."

22 novembre 2016

Michael Reiss - New York, U.S.A.


"Very enjoyable film, David. Extremely intense and so many beautiful shots. It was certainly a metaphysical journey to the heart of darkness. To go down the path toward insanity and not know if there is a happy ending. Some people do not make it back.

The dark side certainly has more tension and there is a lot of strength and surviving the darkness. A test of our soul."


23 novembre 2016

Averno Urban Schaller - Comté de Västra Götaland, Suède


"I'm watching an interesting French experimental film now. For the second time in a row. It's really surrealistic and psychotic. I love the environments and the way to combine it with a long psychosis."


29 novembre 2016

UFilm – Bucarest, Roumanie


"We had tonight, two amazing films by David Thouroude, one about and absolute artist wandering on the streets and writing on the walls out of pure passion and need, without any purpose of goal. A pure artist that renounced all of his possible life and normality and finds his way in writing names and letters out of his complex free inner life.

And the powerful story of the Prince, a very deep and difficult journey of a man into the amazing infinite world of non-reality. There are many films that deal with fantasy of a man, but David's film is amazing because it uses fantasy as a particular kind of reality. He so soo well make sense of all our inner demons into a journey towards sacrality. A painful journey. A very dangerous and dark journey, a journey without a goal.

I saw in David's films, a very powerful need for pure spirituality that doesn't confine in a known comfortable visual and emotional we all expect. A great source of absolute freedom. David, thank you soo soo much for letting us see your superb films."


29 novembre 2016

John Dunn - Illinois, U.S.A.


"It's a fascinating short! The images and locations are tremendous. The atmosphere is truly dreamlike and it captures a real sense of dread. This is surrealism at its very core ! Check it out. Enjoy !"


30 novembre 2016

John J. Williams - Émilie-Romagne, Italie


"Visionario, aggressivo, poetico, immorale. Le Prince des Cieux è un film sperimentale, dai suoni ambient e martorianti."


30 novembre 2016

Espólio Urbano - Rio de Janeiro, Brésil


"Lá fora, é o céu de um anti-herói, que parece querer pisar por onde pisaram os mártires. Mas ele não está só. Dentro e fora de seus sentidos, navega, imponente, a poética supremacia, impecável, da fotografia e da direção de David Thouroude. Enquanto isso, Billy Dranty, traz um rap onírico, que nos magnetiza e nos deixa entregues a esse ritmo novo, em que espectadores, indefesos e desavisados, são levados para as várias faces da agonia de várias tragédias. Algumas, talvez, já vivenciadas, cada um com a sua. Mas todas elas, reunidas num único corpo em movimento, de um anti-herói, quase sem membros : um mamulengo..."


1 décembre 2016

Mario Dominick - Pennsylvanie, U.S.A.


"It was really good. Very surreal and dazzling. The soundtrack was very cool too."


9 décembre 2016

Daniel Walker - Écosse, Royaume-Uni


"Awesome I loved it very surreal dark bleak and beautiful movie."


12 décembre 2016

Bill Clare - Victoria, Australie


"Your film was really good. I really liked the score. It was like nothing I have seen before... It felt quiet surreal and dream like."


13 décembre 2016

Sr-l Napoles - Jalisco, México


"Al fin tuve la oportunidad de ver el film, una gran experiencia visual y sonora, es alucinante ! Gracias David Thouroude, espero continúen este tipo de proyectos tan bien logrados que demuestran la pasión del cine independiente. Mucho éxito !"


16 décembre 2016

Theodore Bouloukos - New York, U.S.A.


 "David, it is fascinating and intriguing, and you were really meticulous.

Continue your filmic work."


18 décembre 2016

Kenneth Glassel - Comté de Stockholm, Suède


"I love your film… it's a stylish film that lets music and environments bringing the film forward… very beautiful and dark !! Abdou M'Bodji is a amazing actor."


"J'aime votre film... c'est un film élégant qui laisse la musique et l'ambiance faire avancer le film ... très beau et sombre !! Abdou M'Bodji est un acteur incroyable."


22 décembre 2016

Aneta Panek - Berlin, Allemagne


"A very interesting sound and story. I really liked that you sticked to the main character through the movie. And I loved the scenes with Marianne and the Marseillaise and destroying imperialistic symbols. Bravo."


12 février 2017

Diana Moore - Ohio, U.S.A.


"This film is powerful to me, and I don't even speak French."


22 février 2017

Richard K. Straker - Dublin, Irlande


"Very strange. Love the surreal and trippy visuals, a very unique experience. The soundscape is very interesting also. I don't speak French so I'm clueless what the voices were saying. Nice editing also bro. A truly bizarre film. Bizarre in a good way."


27 février 2017

Darren Reynolds - Ontario, Canada


"Amazing film... still trying to figure out how to put it into words, but that was one of the more interesting movie experiences I've had recently."


2 mars 2017

Exene Cervenka - Victoria, Australie


"I watched your movie today and was blown away...amazing, mesmerizing, unique..."


2 mars 2017

Michael Burciaga - Arizona, U.S.A.


"I watched your film and I found it visually poetic, unnerving and unique. It honors me to place your film amongst my collection ! Cheers !"


4 mars 2017

Giannis Andrias - Thessalonique, Grèce


"Very good film, with great music and interesting imaginary. Your protagonist is the beast, the bull head, driven from his esoteric brutal force, fighting and changing the old institutions, religion and state. Well Done my Friend !!"


11 mars 2017

Sergio Becerra - Wisconsin, U.S.A.


What a visually stunning and mesmerizing film! Haven't been this blown away by a film in a long time seriously couldn't recommend this film enough. Thank you!"


13 mars 2017

Stephan Ortlepp - Basse-Saxe, Allemagne


"Hey, First of all: this Movie is a blast ! It Starts calmly and Ends up in an unbeliefable Audio Visual madness. It was fantastic to watch and I have to watch It a couple More Times to See everything. Very good work !"


13 mars 2017

Uwe Choroba - Basse-Saxe, Allemagne


"Habe den Film gerade über Beamer gesehen. Bin begeistert. Was für ein visuell genial dargestellter Seelenzustand.Ich liebe solche Filme.Musik und Bild Sehr hypnotisch. Eine kleine Filmperle die ich mit Freunden noch öfters schauen werde.Vielen dank für den Film und den Filmgenuss in den ich dadurch gekommen bin."


16 mars 2017

Jean-Sébastien Marsolais - Québec, Canada


"Je suis en train de regarder le prince...

Seigneur Jésus.... je ne me rappelle pas avoir pris du LSD ce matin. Expérience troublante, visuel hors du commun, musique sublime. Mille fois bravo."


21 mars 2017

Gero Sam - Basse-Saxe, Allemagne


"Your movie is a weird masterpiece… it's hard to put that thing into a genre. For myself it's a big long musicvideo. I like the industrial noise soundtrack and the pictures in the film are great. Creepy and very detailed shots. Picture an music falls into place. The actor is great.. while watching this film I noticed a deep atmosphere..."


24 mars 2017

Paul Bruna Weiss - Santiago, Chile


"Ha sido toda una experiencia ver Le Prince Des Cieux. Mi primeras impresiones serían Hipnótica e Inquietante. las imágenes son en extremo poderosas y la música es subyugante. Cuando sale el toro del mausoleo, se me erizaron los pelos ! Te felicito !"


28 mars 2017

Erich Ribbeck - Rhénanie-du-Nord - Westphalie, Allemagne


"Thx 4 this awesome, experimental Short Movie.

High State of Arts with an fantastic audio track (music by Billy Dranty) and visual technique from director David Thouroude… "


28 mars 2017

Charles F. Styles - Washington, U.S.A.


"This is a pretty amazing 48 minutes film. It's all visual and sound, with a pretty cool industrial sounding soundtrack and very experimental. Some disturbing imagery and the over all feeling of loneliness and madness is what i got from this. This lonesome man seemingly obsessed with visuals of destruction disease and death. I don't "get" it but I think that is the beauty of it and I quite enjoyed this! I recommend this too folks who like experimental films and movies that are outside the typical lamestream. I kept thinking of the amazing German film DECODER and some of Shinya Tsukamoto's films/art while watching this. I like(d) the cool weird mask the character wears off and on in this film ! Very well done ! Cheers to Asso SantaRita for making this fine film ! Check it out !"


11 avril 2017

Jamie Dunn - Angleterre, Royaume-Uni


"Le Prince Des Cieux (The Prince of Heavens) is a short but image heavy experimental film from France which I sat down and reviewed for Severed Cinema. If you go in one end unprepared for the contents within, it may alter you dramatically and you won't be the same afterwards. Could this be the ultimate portrayal of depression, loneliness and death itself ?"

© 2013 by Association SantaRita.films.

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